Subscriptions and prices

This page is also available in French : Abonnements et tarifs.

The consultation of the Frantext database is reserved for teaching and research purposes. This is possible on the basis of paid subscription and a partnership with the National Union of Publishers. The amount of the subscription is used to cover the maintenance costs of the database and its enrichment. It is possible to subscribe individually or institutionally. The subscription is reserved for research centers, libraries, researchers, teacher-researchers and students, as well as scientific collaborators.

Institutional subscription

For payments by bank transfers, start by creating a purchase order from the online subscription platform (step 4). All payment terms are detailed on the back of the PDF order form that you will receive by e-mail. Upon receipt of the documents by e-mail and after verification, the accesses are activated manually and the CNRS accounting department sends you an invoice to be paid according to the payment methods that suit you.

Researchers, teacher-researchers and students can first check if they do not already have access through the internet portal of their university, or from their university library.

Audience: teaching establishments, Universities, University Libraries, Laboratories or Research Centers, Information Centers, Libraries, Mediatheques, Editors, etc.

Duration of the subscription: 1 year. The subscription must be renewed each year. The subscription is open either for the calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st, or for the academic year, from October 1st to September 30th.

Annual price: 370 € excluding taxes. It allows the connection of 50 machines simultaneously by recognition of IPv4 addresses, IPv4 ranges, EZProxy addresses and identity provider. The cost is fixed. To benefit from more simultaneous connections, contract several subscriptions.

Subscription procedure

For any subscription, you must complete the online form at, specify the authentication options - by identity provider or IPv4 addresses (step 2), then choose a payment method (step 4):

  1. Step 4 - Payment by credit card: you pay directly and access is automatically activated.
  2. Step 4 - Payment by order form: you will receive by e-mail a PDF order form to be completed (date and signature) then sent to us by e-mail with all the documents requested. Upon receipt of the documents and after verification, the accesses are activated manually and the CNRS accounting department sends you an invoice to be paid according to the payment terms detailed on the back of the PDF order form. Please ensure that the CNRS receives the amount corresponding to the subscription, all bank charges are your responsibility.


ATTENTION: The subscription is valid for one year. There is no tacit renewal of the subscription.

⚡ 1-page renewal procedures: For institutions

Each subscriber must renew their subscription, before December 31 (calendar year) or September 30 (academic year). A full update of subscriber IP addresses and access codes is performed on our servers on October 1 and January 1. In the absence of receipt of payment for the subscription past one or other of these dates, it will no longer be possible to maintain the provision of the service.

To resubscribe, you must use the institutional email address linked to your initial subscription (this will not work with that of the technical correspondent except for subscription organizations). From the page, click on the Subscribe again button, then enter your e-mail. You will receive a temporary link that will allow you to access the form pre-filled with your account information. You will then be able to modify the authentication options (step 2) and generate a new PDF order form in 3 clicks (step 4). It is imperative to validate all the stages of the online subscription, in order to update your subscription. These steps are essential to enable authentication by IP, IP ranges and identity provider.

Subscriptions are linked to institutional email addresses. If you need to change the institutional email in order to correctly receive the temporary resubscription link, contact us by e-mail to change the reference email, or subscribe as for a first subscription, by filling out the form in full.

You can also specify an e-mail address when subscribing or renewing, in order to receive a reminder by e-mail, 2 months before the end of your subscription.

Changing Authentication Options

You can modify the authentication options by IP, IP ranges and identity provider during the initial subscription or renewal process. New accesses are activated during the night following the modifications. If you need to modify these options at other times of the year, you can inform us of the modifications to be made by e-mail.

Special case of subscription organizations

It is now mandatory to place your order (or pay directly) on the online platform at Without this, access to FRANTEXT cannot be activated.

⚡ 1-page renewal procedures: For subscribing organizations

To facilitate this process, 2 options are available:

1 - Renewal: On the page, click on the "Subscribe again" button and enter your e-mail address. This will allow you to generate purchase orders (Step 4) in 3 clicks. Please note that your customers can also generate the purchase order and send it to you (or send it directly to us by e-mail).

  • If the subscription organization supports the renewal, it receives by e-mail a list of links for each subscription for which it is responsible, as long as the box Check Check this box if you are registering one or more establishments as a subscription organization has been checked in the online form.
  • If the client institution supports the renewal from the online platform, it only receives the renewal link that concerns its subscription and can forward the PDF form generated in step 4 to its subscription organization which will send it to us correctly completed (date and signature).

The validity of the e-mail addresses that are in our database is essential for the renewal to take place correctly. It is imperative to be able to click on the link sent to one of these addresses to proceed with the renewal. Feel free to contact us by e-mail to verify your customers' e-mail addresses or to update yours.

All subscribers (institutions or subscription organisations) must complete the online form at, and specify the authentication options and payment method. These steps are essential to enable authentication by IP, IP ranges and identity provider.

Concerning the subscription organization, in order to manage all of their subscriptions, they must tick the box that concerns them in the section Information on the technical correspondent or the subscription organization and always indicate the same e-mail address for each new subscription. When renewing, they will be able to receive by e-mail the list of all the subscriptions for which they are responsible, and renew them in 3 clicks.

For payments by bank transfers, start by creating a purchase order from the online subscription platform (step 4). All payment terms are detailed on the back of the PDF order form that you will receive by e-mail. Upon receipt of the documents by e-mail and after verification, the accesses are activated manually and the CNRS accounting department sends you an invoice to be paid according to the payment methods that suit you.

2 - First subscription: For new orders, you can fill out the online form at, or ask your customers to use a pre-filled form from an internet address (url) containing your billing information. You can create this url yourself using the generator on the page
Example of personalized URL (Click on the link to test the pre-filling):

Individual subscriptions

For payments by bank transfer or check, start by creating a purchase order from the online subscription platform (step 3). All payment terms are detailed on the back of the PDF order form that you will receive by e-mail. Upon receipt of the documents by e-mail and after verification, access is activated manually.

Researchers, teacher-researchers and students can first check if they do not already have access through the internet portal of their university, or from their university library.

Audience: Researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students.

Duration of the subscription: 1 year. The subscription must be renewed each year. The subscription must be renewed each year. The subscription is open either for the calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st, or for the academic year, from October 1st to September 30th. Specify the desired period when ordering.

Annual price: 35 € excluding taxes. It is up to the subscriber and not the institution of attachment (university, ...) to ensure payment. After receiving the order or payment, the login information will be delivered to you by e-mail. The cost is fixed.

Subscription procedure

For any subscription, you must complete the online form at,  then choose a payment method (step 3):

  1. Step 3 - Payment by credit card: you pay directly and access is activated automatically.
  2. Step 3 - Payment by order form: you will receive by e-mail a PDF order form to be completed (date and signature) then sent to us by e-mail with all the documents requested. All payment terms (check, bank transfer) are detailed on the back of the PDF order form that you will receive by email. Upon receipt of the documents and after verification, access is activated manually. Please ensure that the CNRS receives the amount corresponding to the subscription, all bank charges are your responsibility.

Payment terms

After receipt of your online payment or check, access to the online resource is activated. If you wish to pay by bank transfer, you can send us an order form with a copy of the bank transfer order.


ATTENTION: The subscription is valid for one year. There is no tacit renewal of the subscription.

Each subscriber must renew their subscription, before September 30 (academic year) or December 31 (calendar year). A full update of subscriber IP addresses and access codes is automatically performed on our servers on October 1 and January 1. In the absence of receipt of payment for the subscription past one or other of these dates, it will no longer be possible to maintain the provision of the service.

To resubscribe, you must use the e-mail address linked to your initial subscription. From the page, click on the Subscribe again button, then enter your e-mail. You will receive a temporary link that will allow you to access the form pre-filled with your account information. You will then be able to pay online or generate a new PDF order form in 3 clicks (step 3). It is imperative to validate all the stages of the online subscription, in order to update your subscription. These steps are essential to enable access.

When subscribing or renewing, you can specify an e-mail address in order to receive a reminder by e-mail, 2 months before the end of your subscription.


The subscription can be canceled at any time of the year. The price is fixed, there will be no refund.


After receiving your online payment, purchase order or bank transfer, access to the online resource is activated, and the accounting department of CNRS Center-East regional delegation issues an invoice (only for institutions). If you wish to pay directly by bank transfer, you can send us an order form with a copy of the bank transfer order. For institutions that wish to pay upon receipt of the invoice, simply send us the purchase order.

The pricing conditions are fixed by decision of the CNRS General Management, our services do not make any discount, quote or proforma invoice. Directly send the purchase order generated from the subscription platform.


The brand FRANTEXT© is registered at the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property), it is the exclusive property of the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). Only the ATILF Joint Research Unit is authorized by the CNRS to allow the French and international scientific community access to Frantext. An exclusivity certificate can be provided on request by e-mail.


We do not have statistics related to the use of Frantext.

Given the different modes of connection to the tool (recognition of a user's IP number, administration by proxy or different types of classes), our IT team recommends that institutions wishing to obtain usage statistics set up their own means of identification.

Use of the service

Subscribers can:

  • Access, search, retrieve, display and view the Frantext service.
  • Publicly display or perform portions of the Service as part of a presentation at a seminar, conference, or workshop, or other similar activity.
  • Fully export copyright-free texts in XML format.
  • Use service metadata and calculations without restrictions.
  • Electronically save, print and publish in printed or electronic form the results of the analyzes carried out with the help of the service. The concordancers used, annotated or not, cannot be distributed. For the avoidance of doubt, a description of the procedure used may be published in printed or electronic form.

IT and freedom

Personal data:

  • Account creation (database access): last name - first name - e-mail - connection data

Are likely to be collected by:

    44, avenue de la libération
    54063 Nancy Cedex

    2 rue Jean Zay
    Bâtiment Ariane 4
    54519 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

They are accessible by:

  • Account creation: Technical Research Support Service
  • Mailing list: Technical Research Support Service

And kept for a period of:

  • Account creation: Account validity period
  • Mailing list: Account validity period

No data transfer outside the European Union is made.

When certain information is mandatory to access specific features of the site, this mandatory character is indicated at the time of data entry collection. If you refuse to provide mandatory information, you may not have access to certain services.

In accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, in particular the amended law n ° 78-17 of January 6, relating to data processing, files and freedoms and European regulation n° 2016/679/EU of April 27, 2016 (applicable since May 25, 2018), you have the following rights:

  • Exercise your right of access, to know your personal data
  • Request the update of your data, if they are inaccurate
  • Request the portability or deletion of your data
  • Request deletion of your account
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data
  • Oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing of your data
  • Withdraw your consent to the processing of your data

You can exercise these rights by contacting:

Frantext subscription service
    CNRS / ATILF (UMR 7118)
    44, avenue de la libération
    BP 30687 - 54063 Nancy Cedex
by e-mail

You can also contact your DPD (Data Protection Officer) at the following address:

    2 rue Jean Zay
    Bâtiment Ariane 4
    54519 Vandoeuvre lès Nancy
by e-mail

If you feel, after contacting us, that your IT rights and Freedoms have not been respected, you have the option of filing a complaint online with the CNIL or by post.

To contact us

For any information concerning the management of your subscription or to subscribe, you can contact us by e-mail, or by postal mail at:

FRANTEXT subscription
44, avenue de la Libération
B.P. 30687

Modifié par Gilles Toubiana le 2024/10/25 09:54
Frantext - ATILF (CNRS/UL) - 2018-2025

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